Tuesday, May 12, 2015

What Is This Blog About?

Krause & Smith Nutrition is the guide to healthy living. If you do not have the motivation to live a helthy lifestyle or you do not know how to get started, this blog will show you how and keep you motivated throughout your journey of living healthy! We will also teach you about the health benefits of certain foods and more about how unhealthy other foods are.

Eat less CRAP:
C - carbonated
R - refined sugar
A - artificial sweeteners & colors
P - processed foods

Eat more FOOD:
F - fruits & veggies
O - organic lean proteins
O - omega 3 fatty acids
D - drink water

Sweat everyday:
S - strengthen your muscles
W - work your heart and lungs
E - elongate your muscle's stretching
A - add the next workout to your calender
T - take the time to rest and recover

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