Monday, June 8, 2015

Review on Gatorade Protein Bars

What's inside and why is it good?

Inside each Gatorade Recover Whey Protein Bar there is 20 grams of protein, 42 grams of carbs, and 350 calories. This is great because the protein comes from high-quality whey and milk which give your muscles essential amino acids in order to help build and recover muscles. It has enough carbs to replace what was lost during an intense workout, and the calories from both the protein and carbs refill energy and rebuild muscles. I absolutely would recommend this snack, it is delicious. Notice how you have a good amount (above 5%) carbs, dietary fiber, and protein and low (under 5%) cholesterol, and an alright amount of fat and sodium? That's good for a snack, especially since it tastes absolutely delicious!

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