Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hampstead Hospital

The Eating Disorders treatment center at Hampstead Hospital treats all patients, young and old, men and women.  It is located at 218 East Road, Hampstead, NH 03841.  At this time they are only available to help outpatients.  They do however have a wide variety of therapies and treatment including Transition Planning and Support, Family Support, Applied Behavior Analysis, Individual Education Plan,  and Intensive Behavior Supports.  If you need to give them a call, they can easily be reached at  603-329-5311.

Their Primary Goals are to…
  • Establish an accurate diagnosis and behavioral treatment plan with medication management
  • Address the presenting difficulties through data-based and assessment-driven treatment intervention
  • Prepare the patient for re-entry into a less restrictive setting

Hampstead hospital also offers many other treatment programs to help with other problems such as Drug and Alcohol Treatment, Child and adolescent Psychiatric care, and also adult Psychiatric care.

Struggles With Body Image

Eating Disorders on the Rise: What You Need to Know

By: Julie Revelant

October 13, 2013

This article talked about eating disorders. According to a study by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, children under 12 who were hospitalized for an eating disorder increased by 119 percent between 1999 and 2006. A recent study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that 10 to 15 percent of males suffer from eating disorders as well. The younger brother of Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, Brian said he was “fat-shamed” by his mother, as well as bullied and physically assaulted at school, leading him to develop body dysmorphic disorder – a condition that causes a person to have a distorted view of his or her body. During his freshman year of college, Cuban developed anorexia and bulimia, eventually became addicted to drugs and alcohol, and even attempted suicide. He suffered for 27 years until finally getting help in 2007 and turning his life around. Eating disorders usually show up during puberty and in early adulthood, between the ages of 18 and 20.
Eating disorder signs:
- Restricting calories
loss of menstrual periods
weight is 15 percent below ideal
distorted body image or body critiquing
purging, use of laxatives, excessive exercise
binging behaviors
secretive eating
isolating from family and friends
scraping and bruising of the finger joints
yellowing of teeth or dental problems
How to receive help?
- talk
- admit there's a problem
- treatment

Monday, June 8, 2015

Review on Gatorade Protein Bars

What's inside and why is it good?

Inside each Gatorade Recover Whey Protein Bar there is 20 grams of protein, 42 grams of carbs, and 350 calories. This is great because the protein comes from high-quality whey and milk which give your muscles essential amino acids in order to help build and recover muscles. It has enough carbs to replace what was lost during an intense workout, and the calories from both the protein and carbs refill energy and rebuild muscles. I absolutely would recommend this snack, it is delicious. Notice how you have a good amount (above 5%) carbs, dietary fiber, and protein and low (under 5%) cholesterol, and an alright amount of fat and sodium? That's good for a snack, especially since it tastes absolutely delicious!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Review of Nike Bowerman Track Spikes

I highly recommend these track spikes. They are light weight, comfortable, and last a long time. I have worn them for at least two years now for my highschool track career. They're great for jumping, short and long distance running, and hurdling. They are around 50-60 dollars, but are definitely worth it. 4/5 would purchase again. If you're in the market for buying new shoes, take a look at these. They are nice, but there are definitely lighter shoes out there.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Basic Green Thickie

The Green Thickie is a smoothie that contains 419 calories. This recipe is for two servings, so you could make it in the morning before school or work and have half again for lunch with some healthy crackers or nuts! Each serving is about 1 pint. This smoothie is meant to be a meal replacement.

Basic Green Thickie Recipe

There are 6 basic ingredients in a green thickie:
Liquids (water, milk or juice)
Greens (Spinach, Chard, Collard Greens, Lettuce, Kale or other mild greens) OR if you run out of fresh greens, add 2 scoops of Amazing Green Powder for an extra healthy green boost.
Fruit (Add any fruit you like, you don’t have to worry about adding creamy fruit as the oats provide the creaminess)
Carbs (Oats, Quinoa, Buckwheat, Sweet Potato)
Seeds or nuts (Any plain seeds or nuts can be added)
Sweetener (If it needs it add in some healthy sweetener.  I prefer to use whole foods so mostly use dates/ date paste)
In order to know how to blend it click here.

Training for 5+10k's


To train for a 5k I usually begin running in the mornings in the spring/summer. Recently I have began light running after school and I have been taking weight training class in school on top of that. In weight training I usually focus on my leg strength. The duration of my runs once I have gotten back into it ranges from and hour and 45 minutes to 2 hours. All you need to start running is a pair of sneakers, whatever clothes you feel comfortable running in, a water and some determination and you're all set to go!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Krause & Smith Obstacles

Logan Krause's Obstacles:

My biggest obstacle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle is drinking enough water. Not only do I not stay hydrated, but I really like processed foods such as Ramen Noodles, Hot Pockets, and frozen pizza. I'm always on the go, and these unhealthy processed foods are usually my go-to because they are so easy to make. Also, Ramen Noodles are only 39 cents a package...
I haven't really done anything to overcome the lack of water, but I should begin carrying a water bottle around with me. I have stopped eating Ramen Noodles and hack cut down on the processed foods and I am eating more fruits and veggies.

Courtney Smith's Obstacles:

Just like Logan, I have an issue with staying hydrated and drinking enough water, usually I don't even bring a water with me to gym class or sports practice. But lately I have been trying to carry a water bottle around with me and take the walk to go fill it up constantly. 
I am a very, very picky eater. I really like simple carbs like bread and pasta, and don't really like most fruits and veggies. Lately, I've been trying to incorporate fruits and greens into meal replacement smoothies but it will take awhile for my taste buds to get used to it or find combinations that I like.