Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Krause & Smith Obstacles

Logan Krause's Obstacles:

My biggest obstacle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle is drinking enough water. Not only do I not stay hydrated, but I really like processed foods such as Ramen Noodles, Hot Pockets, and frozen pizza. I'm always on the go, and these unhealthy processed foods are usually my go-to because they are so easy to make. Also, Ramen Noodles are only 39 cents a package...
I haven't really done anything to overcome the lack of water, but I should begin carrying a water bottle around with me. I have stopped eating Ramen Noodles and hack cut down on the processed foods and I am eating more fruits and veggies.

Courtney Smith's Obstacles:

Just like Logan, I have an issue with staying hydrated and drinking enough water, usually I don't even bring a water with me to gym class or sports practice. But lately I have been trying to carry a water bottle around with me and take the walk to go fill it up constantly. 
I am a very, very picky eater. I really like simple carbs like bread and pasta, and don't really like most fruits and veggies. Lately, I've been trying to incorporate fruits and greens into meal replacement smoothies but it will take awhile for my taste buds to get used to it or find combinations that I like. 

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